

District Kargil is extended over an area of 14036 Sq. Kms and comprises of 129 villages. As per Census-2011 population of the District was recorded as 1,40,802 souls. There was change of 18.02 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, Kargil District recorded increase of 33.55 percent to its population compared to 1991. . The biggest ethnic group is of Muslims, followed by Buddhists and others. Details of population by blocks, Tehsils, rural and urban areas, religions, groups, age. According to Census 2011 The total Population of the district is 140802 out of this the Rural Population is 124464 & Urban Population is 16338 the decadal Growth rate is 19.67 %in Urban & 20.18% in Rural. The Sex ratio of the District is 883 per thousand male.

Name of the Block Units Census 2011
1. Kargil( mAC+Rural) Souls 41512
2.  Drass Souls 21988
3.  Shakar-Chiktan Souls 11233
4. Shargole Souls 11728
5.  Sankoo Souls 17735
6.  G. M. Pore Souls 12754
7.  Tai-Suru Souls 10059
8.  Zanskar Souls 11653
9.  Lungnak Souls 2140
Total 140802